
Thinking About Childcare Choices?



Choosing the right childcare setting for a child’s well-being and development is crucial. Early years are a critical period for learning and growth, and childcare setting lay important foundations for the future.


Different childcare settings take different approaches, so before you choose it’s useful to understand the differences and think about how they align with your family.

Traditional vs. Progressive Approaches


Childcare approaches typically fall into two categories: traditional, which are more structured, and progressive, which are more individualised. Traditional methods usually followed a more structured “curriculum”, with set activities and routines, whilst the progressive approach focuses on the unique needs of each child and allows for more flexibility.


There are lots of popular educational philosophies, like the Montessori Method, Reggio Emilia, or Waldorf. Each philosophy emphasises different aspects of development, from exploration and self-directed learning to creativity and imagination. Montessori centres around children working individually or in groups, with hands-on activities to aid physical, social, and intellectual development. Whereas Waldorf is an educational philosophy that prioritises the arts and imagination.

Supporting Social and Emotional Development


Nurseries play a vital role in helping children to develop social skills and emotional resilience. Their relationships with other children and their caregivers help them to navigate and manage their emotions and develop communication skills. Play is integrated into everyday activities, allowing children to explore, experiment and learn. This type of play-based learning is a cornerstone of nursery education, it promotes cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and creativity.



Qualifications, Training and Health & Safety


Well-trained caregivers with expertise in child development and early education create a positive nursery environment. Training requirements usually include childcare experience and a qualification, like an NVQ or BTEC. Different roles need different qualifications; nursery assistants are likely to need a Level 2 Childcare qualification, whilst room leaders will need a Level 3. You can ask nurseries for the specifics on their staff’s qualifications before you sign-up. It’s also important to ask about health and safety, from proper hygiene protocols to how equipment is kept safe.

Communication and Parental Involvement


Effective communication between nurseries and parents is essential. Regular updates and an open dialogue help parents stay informed about their child’s progress and enable them to actively participate in their learning. Working in this way means nursery staff and parents contribute to children’s development and well-being.



A Focus on Inclusive Practices


Nurseries should implement inclusive practices and provide additional support where needed. Examples of inclusive practices are adaptation of spaces, materials, and equipment, so that children with and without disabilities can access them. Or caregivers working to create a classroom community in which all children feel that they belong, regardless of individual differences. Inclusive practices make sure that every child thrives.


Decision Making Tips


Parents play a crucial role in choosing and supporting the childcare approach that best suits their child’s needs. When choosing childcare, parents should consider factors such as the philosophy and approach of the nursery, the qualifications and experience of the staff, the facilities available, and the overall environment.


Visiting nurseries, asking questions, and getting recommendations can help parents make informed, thoughtful decisions that focus on the needs of their child.


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