
Elliot Costas-Walker

Director of Learning and Partnerships at Forward as One Church of England Multi-Academy Trust


The retention of teachers is a priority for all Senior Executives at Multi-Academy Trusts. It’s been widely reported that many teachers are leaving the profession. In the School Workforce in England 2024 report, 43,500 teachers left the state-funded sector in 2022/23, a similar level to the 43,900 last year. This represents 1 in 10 of all qualified teachers.


Although we hear more in the media about how challenging the teaching profession is, I think education has always been challenging; we’re just seeing different challenges.


In my position as Director of Learning and Partnerships, fostering an inclusive and collaborative culture and promoting a positive working environment is a pivotal part of my day-to-day role.



Culture is an interesting subject. I describe it as the ‘Sunday night feeling’. How do staff feel about work the next day?


A well-defined mission and vision across the Trust help shapes the culture. At Forward as One, we talk about our vision – one team working together with one mission as one family. This is weaved into everything we do.


Creating a positive culture, where staff across all schools under the Trust can thrive, is paramount for the pupils to succeed. If your staff don’t flourish and aren’t empowered to be the best they can be, then surely our children can’t either. We need to develop a positive, engaging culture across our workforce first, to then get it right for our children.

“Humans first, professionals second”


It’s important Leaders get to know their staff and invest in them. One person who I think sums this up perfectly is Mary Myatt. Her philosophy of ‘humans first, professional second’, is exactly right; we need to treat all staff as humans and take an interest in them as people. Without relationships – we have very little.


It’s also important for Leaders to be visible. This academic year the Forward as One CEO, Karen Bramwell is hosting termly face-to-face inductions, welcoming new staff into the Trust. This is important in terms of setting the culture and climate in the organisation at the start of the employment journey.



Staff development is key to shaping the culture. Seeing people develop and grow into new positions or roles through expanding their knowledge and skill set is gratifying to see.


One of the ways Forward as One has supported staff development is through the partnership with the Chartered College of Teaching. All Teachers and Leaders have memberships giving them access to CPD, resources and research. Our Learn with FA1 Professional Development Hub is positioned to prioritise powerful, professional development for all.


At the heart of staff development is collaboration. Fostering a culture of collaboration, not competition, will not only encourage the sharing of best practice, but support structures will form across your Trust. This takes time and role modelling from leaders.


It may seem insignificant, but the collaboration through our Microsoft Teams platform has made a real impact. Multiple teams have been created so teachers across all schools under the Trust can collaborate. I see myself as the facilitator of this learning and the amount of support, sharing and collaboration that happens in those spaces is heart-warming to see.


There are also opportunities to collaborate via our weekly ‘Trust Tuesdays’, where activities are planned across different networks through our ‘learning communities’.

Transformational Growth


Technology has certainly helped to reinforce our vision that we are one family. As Trusts grow, so does the culture and it becomes an increasing challenge to ensure we are part of one Trust with the same shared mission and vision, and this doesn’t become diluted as our Trust grows. It’s also important each school has its own identity that supports the needs of the community, whilst also being part of the wider Trust.


Each term all schools take part in a virtual Trust worship via Microsoft Teams. This is a great way of forming relationships and living and breathing our values; we can’t fit 3,000 pupils in one hall, but we can on a Teams call!


When we welcome new schools into the Trust, our culture adapts and deepens, and it gives us an opportunity to revisit our mission, values, and Leadership DNA. As part of our school improvement strategy, it’s important to have a very detailed Immersion and Onboarding Programme, so that new schools are immersed in the culture, vision and systems of the Trust. It’s fundamental to understand the story of school and its past. Having a listening period to understand where the school has been, the challenges it has faced, and staff experiences will help smooth the transition.




Finally, effective communication is essential to providing a positive culture, especially when you are across different locations and different local authorities. Effective communication helps Trusts to live and breathe the mission, visions and values every day.


Once the message is role-modelled, reinforced and repeated it will naturally become part of the way things are done. Celebrating and sharing examples of when teachers and staff role model the mission and values helps bring it to life and becomes very clear what they mean.


Developing a positive workplace culture takes time. This is not quick or easy work. This is not simple. We are dealing with humans first, professionals second.


Learn more about Forward as One Church of England Multi-Academy Trust